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Two people embracing on a stage with colorful screens in the background and a table with a microphone and a bottle in the foreground
  • 102mm 102mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/160s
  • ISO 1,600
  • 0ev
Two individuals are on a stage with purple lighting; one is speaking at a podium, and the other is sitting at a table with a microphone, covering their face
A person standing at a podium speaking into a microphone, while another person sits at a table with their head in their hands, appearing distressed. The background features a large screen and stage lighting
A group of people gathered indoors, with two individuals standing and conversing in the foreground. One person is holding a microphone, and others are seated at tables in the background. The setting appears to be a convention center, as indicated by the large windows and signage
A person wearing a red shirt, a purple face mask, and a backpack with a plush toy resembling a sausage with a face. The person has curly hair, a tattoo on their arm, and is adorned with various pins and badges
A man in a shiny green jacket and bow tie is speaking at a podium, with colorful lights and a DE sign in the background
A silhouette of a person operating a camera against a green background, framed by a purple border
A flyer featuring two electronic circuit boards shaped like cat heads, one purple and one red, with the text SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GOON BADGE LIBERATION FRONT and an illustration of a person holding a large badge