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A person wearing a red hat and glasses, holding a can in one hand, with a glowing blue light on their chest. The background is dimly lit with some colorful lights
  • 41mm 41mm
  • ƒ/2.5
  • 1/50s
  • ISO 10,000
  • 0ev
A group of people interacting at a technology booth, with one person sitting and raising their hand, another standing and observing, and a third person holding a drink. A large monitor displays content related to drones, and various equipment and promotional materials are spread across the table
A display of various electronic badges and circuit boards, including one labeled SNEAKY BADGE, arranged on a metal stand
Two people sitting at a table, one drinking from a large red bottle and the other holding a similar bottle. The table has a camera, a bag with various pins and patches, and some food items