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A bearded man with glasses speaking at a podium with a stylized design, while another person stands in the background
  • 150mm 150mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/160s
  • ISO 2,500
  • 0ev
A person standing behind a podium with a cartoonish skull and crossbones design, smiling and wearing a dark blue shirt with a name tag
A person standing behind a podium with a stylized design, possibly at an event or performance, with stage lighting and equipment in the background
Three people on a stage, with one person speaking at a podium decorated with a stylized design. The background features colorful lighting and geometric shapes
A man with gray hair stands behind a podium with a microphone, flanked by two other individuals, one on each side. The background features stage lighting and equipment
A group of people standing on a stage with DEFCON written on the front, featuring various tech-related symbols in the background
Two people standing on a stage, one wearing a black shirt and cap, the other in a colorful shirt with a lanyard, both smiling and standing behind a podium with a cartoonish design
Two men are standing behind a podium with a cartoonish design, engaged in conversation. One man is wearing a colorful shirt, while the other is dressed in black. Two additional individuals are visible in the background, one in a red shirt and the other in a white hat
Two individuals standing at a podium, speaking into microphones, with a backdrop featuring the word DEFCON and various logos
A person standing on a table in a large indoor space, wearing a black tank top and jeans, with a mannequin and various items around
A person in a red vest is playfully grabbing the waistband of another person's pants in a lively indoor setting with several people and tables in the background
A person in a black t-shirt and jeans is striking a dynamic pose, possibly mimicking playing an air guitar. In the background, there is a mannequin with a pink shirt and a few blurred individuals
A person in a black t-shirt is extending a piece of paper towards a robotic arm in an indoor setting, with several people in the background